What is Naturland Fair ?
Naturland Fair scheme offers our and your brands an opportunity to communicate fair treatment and shared value with supply-chains .
Naturland Fair is also the signal that both of our business care about where the ingredients come from, as well as our and your brand who …

• Invest in social impact and respect of human rights and fair working conditions all involved parties are working with.
• Respect of the ecosystem and promotion of biodiversity, sustainable agriculture practices.
• Respect and betterment of local impact.
• Respect for biodiversity, reducing environmental impact in the supply chain and encouraging local sustainable development.
• Sharing values worldwide.
• Products also confirms traceability of all certified products from production to sales.
• Improves the livelihood of thousands of smallholder farmers and workers by providing the means for social community projects and empowerment of people.
• Provides protection at all points in the chain where people might be at a socio-economic disadvantage.
• Perform the best practice, Ensuring informed purchasing decision and managing performance and compliance.
• Build business relationships which help to reduce integrity risks.

• Connecting and enhancing both social and environmental benefits along the chain, helping your businesses better communicate your contribution to climate.
• Our organic systematic considers its impact on people, animals, wildlife, society and the natural world thoroughly.
• Aiming to improve the possibilities of producer to access to different markets and the buyers to different suppliers.
• Support for committed businesses who want to work more closely with their trade partners and producers for a better, fairer world.
• Commit to FAIRNESS by orienting the business model to fair practices based on a fair pricing policy and a respectful dialogue with its suppliers.
• Enable INFORMED PURCHASE DECISIONS through transparent communication which guarantees consumers physical traceability of certified ingredients.
• Quality Assurance
• Organisation governance
• Human Rights
• Work relations and conditions
• Respect of the Environment
• Good business practices
• Relationship with consumers
• Communities and local development